supporting NGCT:
Any one can be a supporter of NGCT, If you would like to, just PM me and I'll add your name to the list. I preferr you have a relatively troll free post and comment history
General rules:
Do not harass users. Even if you suspect someone is trolling. Take only the actions stated in the NGCT training manual. Don't just run around accusing everyone of being trolls. People hate that. Check someone's post history and really try to figure out if their actually trolling before you attempt to countertroll. Please check out The NGCT official training manual for guidelines on how to determine if someone is trolling or not.
Don't run around like a superhero saying "I'm a countertroll lol Imma get u trolls!" this makes you and everyone else who countertrolls look dumb. Let your forum signature do the talking.
Try to be respectful to all other Newgrounds members, even trolls (they hate this).
Don't troll.
Don't feed trolls.
keep things civil and semi serious.
To propose any additions, or revisions to these rules, feel free to comment below.